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The Begats (Rabel)

This is a series of lectures given by Mr. Edward Rabel, member of the faculty of S.M.R.S.
Fall semester 1975 - 2nd. Yr. Class. Lecture given on September 22, 1975

Topic: 18
Gen. 5, pp. 63-64 of transcript.

The Begats

Now, we come to Chapter Five. Actually, near the end of Chapter Four, this begins and runs through Chapter Five. Now we come to the first of the genealogical parts of the Old Testament. And in the book, Mysteries of Genesis (Chapter 3: The Fall of Man - C), the staff actually goes into a metaphysical treatment for each one of these characters. Each of these begats is taken up, and in our Bible, the ages of most of these characters are given quite specifically. Like 723, you know, then, that that’s supposed to be the actual age, it’s not a generality.

There are two things I want to bring out here. First of all, a great deal of the metaphysical symbolism of the Old Testament, is not available to current knowledge. It has been lost in antiquity, it has been buried in certain archives, a lot of it; most of it is available but only kabbalistically. And let’s face it, how many people in the world today understand kabbalistic interpretation of the Bible? Even among the Jews, there probably aren’t three alive today who can handle the kabbalistic level of meaning of the Old Testament. Kabbala is the name of a system, a book, which deals with the secret or esoteric, or occult meaning of every Jewish word in the Old Testament. And this is almost a lost art. We only have a very fragmentary remnant of it existing in our world today; and much of that which is preserved is inaccurate.

Much of the metaphysical meaning of the Old Testament is lost, but enough of it is retained that we can do something with it. The parts that we don’t know about, let’s trust the Law of divine compensation about that loss. And one of the things we do not know is the meaning of the ages of all these characters. Obviously, the ages of these characters, unless you think it’s pure, literal genealogy, which I don’t, and Mr. Fillmore didn’t, have a metaphysical symbolism behind the ages of all these characters. But we don’t know what they are, and that’s not really so very important.

But each of these names constitute a Hebrew word which has a literal definition: Methusalah, Shem, all of them are Hebrew words, which have literal definitions, and they are all in the book, Mysteries of Genesis. And each literal definition has its connotation, which can form a metaphysical definition. These are in Mysteries of Genesis and the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary. Now, to those of you who have read Mysteries of Genesis, you know what I mean when I say the average reader or student, even teacher, even that information does not seem to contain much of interest. I have found the most useful thing to do in regard to those sections of the Bible is to compare them to a highly, overly-technical textbook on physical anatomy.

All of these “begats,” all of these characters represent factors which go into your metaphysical anatomy, which make you a human being in the totality. In other words, they list all possible characteristics that could function or be a part of human nature. It lists them all under the disguise of the various characters. As we mentioned, the ages of these genealogical characters are also given, and the symbolism of this is now so obscure, that we cannot at this time interpret the meaning.

Transcribed by Bill Nelson on 02-12-2015