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Metaphysical meaning of Ono (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Ono (mbd)
Ono, o'-no (Heb.)--ability; strength; virility; vigor; substance; wealth; riches; brilliance.

A city of Benjamin that was built by the sons of Elpaal, Eber, Misham, and Shemed (I Chron. 8:12). Nehemiah 6:2 mentions "the plain of Ono," where Sanballat and Geshem wanted to meet Nehemiah in order to do him mischief.

Meta. A consciousness of vigor and strength, and of understanding and substance, that is the result of an active faith, and the fruits of this faith at work in the individual (a city of Benjamin, Benjamin symbolizing an active faith; see ELPAAL, EBER, MISHAM, and SHEMED). The plain of Ono, where Sanballat and Geshem wanted to meet Nehemiah in order to injure him and put a stop to his work of rebuilding Jerusalem's wall, indicates a phase of consciousness wherein error thoughts seek to divert the strength and power of activity and growth and increase of substance to an unwise use, thus hindering the renewing of the organism.

Preceding Entry: Onesimus
Following Entry: Ophel