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Metaphysical meaning of Tiria (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Tiria (mbd)
Tiria, tir'-i-å (Heb.)--agitation; trembling; excitement; reverence; worship; piety; awe; fear; dread.

Son of Jehallelel, of the tribe of Judah (I Chron. 4:16).

Meta. An undefined fear or dread, an inner agitation, trembling, or excitement, that sometimes comes over the personal in us when by means of prayer and praise (see JUDAH and JEHALLELEL) we have entered a very strong realization of the presence of God. We have not known that we are in truth spiritual; therefore we stand in awe, at times amounting to fear and dread, of God. Especially is this so when we come "face to face" with Him at the center of our being.

Preceding Entry: Tirhanah
Following Entry: Tirzah