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Metaphysical meaning of Naioth (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Naioth (mbd)
Naioth, na'-ioth (Heb.)--habitations; dwellings.

A place in Ramah, where Samuel lived and had his school of prophets. David fled there to Samuel when Saul was trying to take his life (I Sam. 19:18-20; 20:1).

Meta. Ramah means the height. Naioth, meaning habitations, dwellings, a place in Ramah, where Samuel lived and had his school of prophets, would signify the abiding place of the Most High in the man who is awakening to his inmost spiritual being. Samuel represents the inner voice, which lives in this inner place of Spirit and is the instructor of the higher and more receptive, intelligent thoughts of the individual (school of prophets).

Preceding Entry: Nain
Following Entry: name