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Series 1 - Lesson 3 - Annotation 10

Series 1 - Lesson 3 - Annotation 10

What has the keeping of this law to do with the demonstration of supply?

10. The keeping of the law of giving and receiving makes possible the demonstration of supply.

If we fail to keep the law of giving and receiving, the consciousness becomes stagnant and tainted. The outlet is blocked by thoughts of fear, negligence, ignorance, selfishness, or some other error belief. These sins act as a dam in the stream of consciousness and stop the outflow of the good we are seeking. On the other hand, if the soul is closed through lack of faith in God, nothing can flow in to enrich it, and there will be nothing for the soul to give. The more we are able to give, the more we increase the consciousness of our supply. Life is consciousness toward knowing God, and knowing our fellowman.

Jesus communed often with the Father; but He also understood that His inspirations must be made practical in daily living on the earth. First, through prayer He talked with the Father; next, He mixed with the multitude, blessing them with the knowledge that He had received.

A man cannot open his mind to the inflow of the elements of divinity and at the same time not feel his nature respond in love toward his fellowmen. Neither can he be consciously one with the laws of Being and at the same time not feel at one with his fellow-men. Only as man understands the twofold nature of the law of giving and receiving, and keeps the law, will he experience true and lasting prosperity in all ways.

Preceding Entry: What is the law of giving and receiving?
Following Entry: Is there any reality in the belief in "luck"? What is it that is called luck?