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Series 1 - Lesson 5 - Annotation 13

Series 1 - Lesson 5 - Annotation 13

How do race beliefs become a part of the consciousness of the individual?

13. From the time a child is born into the world until he reaches the age of perception, usually considered as twelve years, he is open-minded and susceptible to the impressions of his senses. He readily accepts what is told him by those around him. He often fully believes what his schoolmates tell him. Only exceptionally is a child taught to think for himself. Accepting the point of view of those with whom he associates, he makes their beliefs a part of his subconsciousness. Then too the thoughts that people in general believe and express are in the air, and these enter his mind unless he has learned to be alert and to shut them out. When the current thoughts are accepted consciously or subconsciously, they lodge in the subconscious phase of mind and take root there like weed seeds in the garden or dandelions on the lawn.

Preceding Entry: What is meant by "race consciousness"?
Following Entry: What is flesh heredity? How is it overcome?