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Series 2 - Lesson 6 - Annotation 11

Series 2 - Lesson 6 - Annotation 11

What kind of words make for power and cast out negative conditions?

11. Words of power, dominion, authority cast out negative beliefs from the consciousness and erase the undesirable conditions produced by these negative words in body and affairs. We must declare positive words in the faith that the qualities they represent are ours to use by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ; that the ideas back of the words — the Truth underlying them — is mighty to make them manifest. Denial of that which is unlike God or good is necessary to erase the negative beliefs held In the consciousness and the negative conditions in the body and the affairs. We must never lose sight of the fact that we have been given (as a tool of our mind) the power of denial, which can sweep out of mind and outer life all that does not belong to a child of God. As we use this process effectively, we are able to take control of our thoughts and thus of our experiences.

Preceding Entry: What kind of words must be used in restoring the soul and body to health? Show how the Word is carried to man's soul, body, and affairs.
Following Entry: What kind of words must one use to build a consciousness of abundance?