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Metaphysical meaning of Beth-gamul (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Beth-gamul (mbd)
Beth-gamul, beth-ga'-mul (Heb.)--house of recompense (good or evil); house of retribution; house of deeds; house of the weaned; camel house.

A Moabitish city, in the plains country. Jeremiah prophesied concerning it (Jer. 48:23).

Meta. Å state of thought in the carnal consciousness (Moab) in man that has run its course and is now ripe for judgment; the error results must be met, and an adjustment must be made (house of recompense; house of retribution; house of deeds; house of the weaned; camel house; a city of Moab). The central idea here is that there is no escape from the fruits of one's established thoughts and from one's deeds, whether they be good or ill. Camel, in the meaning of Beth-gamul, bespeaks a carrier, a conductor, a conduit, that which does not turn to the right hand or to the left, but leads or conducts unswervingly to an end.

Preceding Entry: Beth-gader
Following Entry: Beth-haccherem