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Metaphysical meaning of cherubim (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of cherubim (mbd)
cherubim, cher'-u-blm (Heb.)--legion-like; augmentation; growth to infinity; grasped; held fast.

Symbolical figures used in the Scriptures to represent the majesty and ruling power of God; also His attributes (Exod. 25:18-22).

Meta. The "cherubim" of I Kings 8:6-8 were symbolic figures representing the attributes and majesty of God. They stand for the unfettered truths of Being, which must always be present in the holy of holies within us. If we do not have this higher realization before us constantly, we shall drop down to the physical plane and our religion will become a mere phenomenal display. We are told that the cherubim spread their wings over the place of the Ark and covered it and its staves, yet they were "not seen without: and there they are unto this day." Here is a true description of the omnipresence of the principle of Being in the whole spiritual life of man.

At heart we have this holy place and these cherubim with their wings spread over the whole Ark. No matter how great a backslider you may be, the presence of the Spirit of God is not far away from your conscious mind. Right under your heart you will find a brain that in its depths treasures the memories of all religious experiences, engraved on the very substance of your being (two tables of stone).

The word "Cherubim" of Genesis 3:24 means protection, or sacred life. The inner spiritual life is protected from the outer, coarser consciousness. The "flame of a sword" is the divine idea or Word of God. Man unites with the inner Word, or sacred life, through spiritual thought, meditation, and prayer. The Word is made flesh, or is brought into manifestation, when we conform in idea to the ideas of Divine Mind and set up the activity of the divine will, which is perfect thought and corresponding perfect action. The "way of the tree of life" is the narrow path referred to by Jesus Christ; it is the way of unfolding divine consciousness by realizing the divine nature of man.

Preceding Entry: Cherub
Following Entry: Chesalon