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Metaphysical meaning of Shebuel (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Shebuel (mbd)
Shebuel, sheb'-u-el (Heb.)--captive of God; God's leading back; restored to a former state by God; restoration of prosperity by God.

a Son of Gershom of the descendants of Levi, a chief (I Chron. 23:16). b Son of Heman, a musician in the house of God, in David's reign (I Chron. 25:4). The name is spelled Shubael in I Chronicles 24:20 and 25:20.

Meta. True, spiritually inclined thoughts and activities in the religious phase of man's consciousness (Israelites, a chief of Levi, and a musician in the house of God, in David's reign) that have become irresistibly attracted to the real things of Spirit and wish to gain full spiritual guidance and direction (captive of God). These God-captivated thoughts and activities in the individual, which the men named Shebuel signify, become a restorative power within him (God's leading back, restored b God).

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Following Entry: Shecaniah