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Metaphysical meaning of Shobi (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Shobi (mbd)
Shobi, sho'-bi (Heb.)--taking captive; captive; captivity; carrying o; driving into exile; one who captures; Jah is glorious; returning of the Lord.

"Son of Nahash of Rabbah of the children of Ammon" (II Sam. 17:27).

Meta. A thought activity in the seemingly outer, sense consciousness (Shobi was of the children of Ammon) that has become awakened to and captivated by the splendid, all-conquering qualities of Spirit (Jah is glorious). At Mahanaim (meaning two hosts, or two companies), signifying spiritual ideas and the error thoughts of man as coming together through the medium of man's consciousness, this thought activity (Shobi) comes into direct contact with the fleeing love idea (David) and succeeds in getting its attention lifted again to the infinite possibilities of Spirit (one who captures, returning of the Lord). Thus divine love feeds on true ideas of substance and life and Truth, and is refreshed thereby (Shobi brought provisions to David and his men at Mahanaim).

Preceding Entry: Shobek
Following Entry: Shoham