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Metaphysical meaning of Tammuz (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Tammuz (mbd)
Tammuz, tam'-muz (Heb.)--summer solstice: fullness: waning; departing.

A Syrian god; the same as the Babylonian sun god. It also corresponded to the Greek Adonis. This god was worshiped in the month Tammuz of each year, which month began with the new moon in July. A great festival was held, wherein the people mourned the disappearance of Tammuz (the sun) in winter, and joyfully celebrated his return in spring. Many myths and legends were connected with this sun worship. Hebrew women were weeping for Tammuz, according to Ezekiel 8:14, this being a great abomination.

Meta. The outer, sense, and intellectual man's worship of the Giver of life, light, and supply. The sense man does not comprehend the true Source of light, understanding, energy, substance, and all growth and unfoldment to fruition and perfection. He perceives only outer channels and activities, and worships them; that is, he gives them the whole of his attention and thought. Therefore, he does not experience abiding, unchanging, unlimited Spirit as the ever present source and substance of his good. He believes that the blessings of life, as well as that which gives them to him, come and go, and so he lacks poise in himself; he gives himself over to the emotions that sway his soul. (See BAAL.) This is suggested by the women who were mourning the departure of the sun in the winter time, when its rays fail to keep the earth warm in every part and so stop vegetation's growing. Later they would express great gladness over the return of the sun in the spring. This all shows how the spiritually unawakened individual is bound in outer appearances of changeableness, uncertainty, and lack; he is not sure of the continuation of his health, supply, life, or of any other blessing, and he is emotional and changeable in his own nature and expressions of life.

Preceding Entry: Tamar
Following Entry: Tanhumeth