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Metaphysical meaning of Tel-abib (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Tel-abib (mbd)
Tel-abib, tel-a'-bib (Heb.)--hill of corn; hill of green ears; hill of verdure; green hill; hill of eager desire; hill of young fruits. A city of Babylonia, or Chaldea, on the river Chebar, where Ezekiel and many of the captive Jews lived (Ezek. 3:15).

Meta. The river Chebar signifies a current of vital thought force that strengthens the religious thoughts of man (Jews) that have been reaching out for spiritual Truth but have become entangled in psychic forces (Chaldeans) and have fallen into sense confusion (Babylon). Spiritual revelation also comes to them here (in the person of Ezekiel the prophet), and tends to join them to the one true Source of all inspiration and strength (Spirit).

Tel-abib (on the river Chebar, where Ezekiel and many of the captive Jews in Babylon lived, and meaning hill of green ears, hill of verdure, green hill, hill of eager desire, hill of young fruits) bespeaks groups of thoughts whose ardent desire for good, for God, for Truth, becomes fruitful in bringing about a renewed consciousness of spiritual substance and life, to manifestation of abundant good.

Preceding Entry: Tekoite
Following Entry: Telah