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How I Used Truth - Lesson 1 - Annotation 3

How I Used Truth - Lesson 1 - Annotation 3

What does "anointing" signify? How are you the son of man? How the Son of God?

3. To anoint signifies "to set apart" or "consecrate to a sacred and special office." Perhaps the simplest definition to use for anoint is "to choose for a special purpose."

The anointing of kings and priests has always included the use of oil as a symbol of consecration. This anointing by oil indicates that they are chosen or set aside for a definite office. In machinery, oil prevents friction. Metaphysically, love is the "oil" that can prevent friction in human relationships . On page 141 of The Revealing Word, "anointing oil" is explained as follows:

"The thought of love, which is poured over anything, making it holy or a perfect whole."

The "Son of God, the Anointed" (mentioned in the text on page 17) is the divine nature, the I AM, the Christ, of every man chosen (or anointed to express the God-nature in every detail (How I Used Truth 17).

"God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:l6).

Many Christians in the past, and even today, have thought of this "only begotten Son" as being only Jesus Christ. A deeper study proves this Son to be spiritual man, the God-Self or the Christ in every man, which Paul refers to as "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Col. 1:27). It is the image-likeness anointed or chosen by God Himself to express all that God is. The inheritance from God to His "only begotten Son" is all of the ideas of Divine Mind.

When we awaken to the truth of our own indwelling Christ Self as God's Presence and Power in us, we will bring our thinking, feeling, speaking, acting, and reacting under the guidance of this Presence. We will know with deep conviction that we are "chosen" or anointed to be God's representative on earth.

The text refers on page 17 to man as "Son of God" and also as "son of man" (How I Used Truth 17). It is well for us to consider just what these terms mean metaphysically. As mentioned previously in this Annotation, the Son of God is our spiritual nature, the Christ, the I AM. It is the first phase of our threefold being (spirit-soul-body) covered in the Annotations for Lesson Three of Lessons in Truth.

When we refer to "son of man" (small "s") we are usually referring to natural or physical man, and we often use the term "manifest man." Because all of us belong to the species of creation called "mankind," we are all "son of man" in our outer appearance; In our true nature within, we are always "Son of God" or the Christ of God.

From a metaphysical standpoint we could think of "son of man" as being the soul not yet fully awakened to divine sonship. This "son" sometimes feels separate from God the Creator; believes that he stands alone in a universe that continually has to be battled. On the other hand, we may consider "Son of man" (capital "S") as being the soul awakened to the truth of divine sonship. When our unfoldment has reached this stage we are consciously unfolding the ideas that make up our spiritual inheritance by expressing and by manifesting them in daily living in body and affairs.

As we awaken to the truth of our divine origin, we no longer remain a "child." We have reached the status of sonship, ready consciously to claim our divine heritage. Usually when we speak of a son we mean a child who has matured, "come of age," has, as we often say, "reached his majority."

From the metaphysical angle the Son of man is the soul "come of age" spiritually. This "Son" is claiming his divine relationship as "Son of God." All men are children of God but sooner or later "come of age" through understanding and fulfilling the purpose or plan of God. When we recognize the Son of God as being the "anointed" we do "grow up" and are increasingly aware of our special mission to carry out God's plan (will) in every phase of our existence, i.e., in our mind, body, affairs and in our human relationships.

Our study has emphasized the vital part that faith plays in bringing forth results. In older editions of How I Used Truth (on page 29) are these words: "found himself possessing the very 'faith of the Son-of God.'" In recent editions of the book this reads, "found himself possessing the very 'faith of Jesus.'" Jesus recognized the spiritual heritage that belonged to Him through the Son of God in Himself, the Christ, which enabled Him to do His mighty works. Faith is part of the divine heritage that belongs to each one of us, as it belonged to Jesus Christ. However, there is much work required to build a consciousness of this "faith of the Son of God" (Gal. 2:20 A.V.). The text points out on pages 28 and 29 that much effort, much prayer, much application of faith in all phases of our life are necessary in order that we may build a consciousness of the "faith of the Son of God" (How I Used Truth 28). Only then can we be said to possess "the very faith of Jesus."

Until we do establish a consciousness of the indwelling Christ, we have not really "found" Him within ourselves. Faithful use of both denials and affirmations, spoken silently or audibly as the need requires, plays a vital part in building the consciousness of our divinity. Then, through turning often in prayer to God, and living the Truth revealed, we come to be consciously acquainted with the Son as the Christ indwelling.

Preceding Entry: Explain how God "lives" and "works."
Following Entry: What causes us to lose the consciousness of our spiritual identity?