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Hidden Gardens

Rev. Artelle Gandy

Hi Friends –

Meet Artelle Gandy. She is a Unity minister-in-training from Detroit, attending Detroit Unity Temple. Many people go through the ministerial program because they want to help people. What makes Artelle special is that she is not waiting for her ordination to begin her ministry of helping people.

Artelle's ministry began a decade ago when she lost a little over 100 pounds. Since then she has helped many people by sharing her experience and giving encouragement. She now has an online ministry,, where she highlights others who have achieved the same breakthough in weight management and where she offers advice, wisdom and love to those who desire freedom from the struggle with weight.

I have no doubt that Artelle will one day join the collegial group of dedicated people we recognize as the ordained Unity ministry. No doubt she will speak in Unity churches and counsel Unity congregants. She may even have her own church one day. But she is available now to all of us in the Unity movement, offering what God is having her offer: hope and encouragement for wholeness and health.

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Mark Hicks
Monday, June 14, 2021